Ceramic vase

Object description

The ceramic material of Una Tradition in all its phases can be considered as technologically evolved, with excellent production, although basically without decoration. This ceramic vase, typical of the Mucuri Phase, is of excellent cordmarked manufacture, thin walls with good mechanical resistance, smoothed, and has a reducing burn. It is part of the funeral act that lay on the surface of the soil, together with a varied cultural collection, in the granitic cave called Toca dos Urubus (Vultures Lair) in Santa Maria Madalena in the Rio de Janeiro Mountain range.

Cultural affiliation of the object

Prehistoric period

Una Tradition

Mucuri Phase

Location Santa Maria Madalena, Rio de Janeiro

Toca dos Urubus site, RJ MP 13

Sector Surface

Level Surface

Cultural analysis of the object

Conical vessel type 2 A

Ceramic material

Dimension 14 (p) x 23 (l) cm (5,5 x 9 inches)

Relative Dating 1000 – 1100 BP

Catalog 600

Source IAB 1971 Collection